Thursday, 21 February 2008
Wow, today so free, cause no NPCC woots! :D
I gonna post pic I took the past few weeks, majority is CNY, hiong rite? After 15 then post the pictures. Hahaz. Enjoy ! :)
I am using mass upload like what I do last time hahaz. After common test, i tink still gonna be as bz as now.

Tat's the chingay rehearsal photo. Damn tired that day. Injured btw. :P

Playing games~~ zz

My lion pants? Was smsing intensively that time.

Malaysia!! DOes it look like the alleys in some parts of s'pore??

Erm ???


M'sia flag.

My leg. Hahaz



Now a turtle, and maybe fishes?


There's a dead fish covered with algae lying there. I dun dare to go near.

Nice? XD

These fishes so famous lor, so many uncles, aunties, and female teenagers doin it(boys are more gentler). LOlz, wonder what magic these fishes gt....



I really dunnoe take this for what... zz

Chair T.T

Prepaid!! I am too boring then....
That's all cyaz!